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Queens Social Security Disability Lawyer


Denied Social Security Disability? Get A Queens Social Security Lawyer Now.

A Queens Social Security Disability Lawyer at the Law Office of Oliver C. Minott will help Queens residents who are suffering from mental and physical disabilities that is expected to last for one year. You are entitled to obtain representation from a diligent Queens Social Security Disability and SSI Lawyer to navigate the difficult process of receiving Social Security benefits. Obtaining Social Security benefits can be a difficult task for a severely disabled person in Queens. Let the Law Office of Oliver C. Minott deal with the government. If you or a loved one has a physical or mental disability that is expected to last for one year, get help now. Our Queens Social Security Lawyers provide compassionate legal representation to Queens’s residents. We represent adults and children in Queens Social Security Disability and SSI hearings in front of an Administrative Law Judge.


Let A Queens Social Security Disability Attorney Help You Today

Because our Queens Social Security Disability attorneys have extensive experience in Queens social security disability claims we will help you with your social security case from the beginning to the end. Social Security Disability Law is very complex and confusing. The Queens Social Security Disability Attorneys at the Law Office of Oliver C. Minott will help you navigate the difficult process of receiving Social Security Disability Benefits. We represent injury victims and individuals who are suffering with chronic illnesses. Our Social Security Disability Attorneys in Queens understand the Social Security Federal Regulations. We are prepared to help any Queens resident with their Social Security Disability and SSI claim. We have been representing Social Security Disability and SSI Clients for approximately two decades.

Hardworking Queens Social Security Disability Lawyers

A Compassionate Queens Social Security Disability Lawyer Will Handle your SSD and SSI Claim. The Social Security Disability Lawyers at the Law Office of Oliver C. Minott have successfully represented clients against Social Security Medical Experts and Social Security Vocational experts at Hearings. Our Queens Social Security Lawyers enjoy the tough cases. We have been successful at handling Children Cases and SSI claims. If you or your loved one has applied for Social Security Disability or SSI and are expected to be disabled for one year call us today for your free consultation.


Get An Experienced Queens Social Security Disability Attorney

The Social Security Administration offers Social Security Disability benefits (SSD) to individuals who have paid into the system all their life. In addition, The Social Security Administration offers Supplemental Income Benefits (SSI) to people who are disabled and who did not accumulate enough work credits. Our Queens Social Security Disability attorneys will fight for the rights for individual in Queens who have both SSD and SSI claims. The Law Office of Oliver C. Minott believes that every individual who has a viable Social Security Disability or SSI claim should be represented by a highly experience Social Security Disability attorney in this area.

The Queens Social Security Disability Lawyer That Fights For Your Rights

The Social Security Disability and SSI System in Queens is difficult to navigate. The Social Security Disability Lawyers at the Law Office of Oliver C. Minott understand the system and will take on the government for you or a loved one who is physically or mentally disabled. We take our work seriously. If a doctor has told you or a loved one that you have a disability that is expected to last for a year, call our office immediately. Our Queens Social Security Disability lawyers will answer all of your questions.


Our office offers a free consultation and we will not charge you a fee unless we win your case. Our Queens Social Security Disability Lawyer has helped many disabled people in Queens, New York obtain Social Security Disability and SSI benefits. We believe that people in Queens deserves a Hardworking Social Security Disability & SSI Attorney.

Call for a free consultation at 866-683-4200.

Hours of Operation- Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Closed Sat and Sun